Videostill Silent Sirens, with Gerwin Luijendijk and Nova Silent Sirens is a project by Mirjam Somers in which she reflects upon the complex and flawed relationship between human and other nonhuman animals in an anthropocentric world. Three hundred drawings, made in... Installation view Silent Sirens, Weefsel van verhalen, Pictura Dordrecht 2024 Detail Silent Sirens,... WEEFSEL VAN VERHALEN MIRJAM SOMERS EN MARIE CLAIRE... Group show with work of Katharina D., Martin Pip Paschier, Alexandra Phillips and Mirjam Somers. Powerplay involves various perspectives on power- with regards tp political power, the relationship between humans and animals, societal structures as well as the... GROOT ROTTERDAMS ATELIERWEEKEND 2023 Videostill Silent Sirens, Oh keep on dancing 2023 -met Gerwin Luijendijk- Mijn werk is te zien in mijn atelier in de Ackerdijkstraat 20 van 11:00 – 17:00 uur op 16 en 17...
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