Videostill Silent Sirens, with Gerwin Luijendijk and Nova

Silent Sirens is a project by Mirjam Somers in which she reflects upon the complex and flawed relationship between human and other nonhuman animals in an anthropocentric world. Three hundred drawings, made in the same number of days during the Covid pandemic, are the starting point. The search for the stories behind these drawings has resulted in an installation that continuously develops and which forms the prelude to the film project Silent Sirens.
Within the project, Somers works together with musician Gerwin Luijendijk for the music and acting, Petros Mousios en Zara Olsson for the 3D animation, Bas Czerwinski for camerawork and Charly van Rest for the Soundscapes .
Currently Somers is writing the scenario for the film Silent Sirens and is funded by Het Nederlands Filmfonds -Ontwikkeling Onderzoek & Experiment- en de Gemeente Rotterdam (scenario-ontwikkeling) for this development.
During the Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend on 21 and 22 September 2024 a part of the installation and a glimpse of the development of Silent Sirens scenario will be shown in the studio.

Installation view Silent Sirens, Weefsel van verhalen, Pictura Dordrecht 2024

Detail Silent Sirens, installatie